Linocut for Textiles Take-Home Kit

Linocut for Textiles Take-Home Kit
If you're coming on one of my Linocut Workshops I'll provide everything in class for you to create your own printing block and progress to getting your design onto fabric.
Based on the tools I use in class you can buy this kit to take home with you and continue your experimentation and creativity. ** PLEASE NOTE ** I will bring your kit to the workshop you have booked and will not be posted ahead of time.
The Kit Includes:
5 Japanese Woodcut/ Linocut Tools
2 pieces A5 Softcut Lino
1 Inking tray
3 sponges
50ml of fabric paint - choosing from Lydia's selection
For Blank Ready Made Items to print on: You can choose between EITHER A Cotton Tea Towel and Tote Bag OR 4 cotton Napkins to be included in your kit. I'll also have additional blanks to purchase in class.